The SkySafe Solution
Protect your People, Property, and National Security
SkySafe provides an advanced counter-drone system that allows operators to pinpoint the location of drones in the air while guiding ground units to the exact location of the pilot.
Drones Pose Major Risks to National Security
As with any defense system, the key to airspace security is situational awareness. The defender must know how many drones are in an area, where they are, what type they are, and who is operating them. Volume, velocity, and frequency of new operators, entrants, technologies, and regulations are challenging to manage.
Terrorist attacks
disrupt and attack troops, politicians, and civilians
Surveil the border
for illegal entry points
Cybersecurity risks
of a drone hacking into networks or communication systems
“SkySafe’s drone airspace awareness solution deemed to have a very high detection rate for all drone types and UAS manufacturers tested.”
See SkySafe in Action
C-UAS to protect our airspace from drone threats, both foreign and domestic. Let us show you how SkySafe is leading the industry developing tech for safer skies.